Monday, April 20, 2009

Purple Sage, Leucophyllum frutescens

I love this evergreen bush. The perfume coming from this plant just fills the air with a light fragrance. My only regret is that it does not stay in bloom all the time.

A change in the humidity seems to be the catalyst to cause the profuse blooming.

Pink Gaura, Guara lindheimeri

One of my favorite Texas native plants, Pink Gaura , blooms with this exquisite flower. Many people say that these white and pink blossoms perched on top of thin stems resemble fluttering butterflies. I agree.

The root resembles a white carrot. I just dug it up one day to see what it looked like. Just curious.

A very easy plant to grow so far. This plant seemed to stay evergreen throughout the whole year. Some of the others in the yard did not. I am now growing these in the front yard.

Curious happenings with a 2 year old Gaura. One day it just dried up and died. I have not had any problems with this plant. Anyone have any ideas as to why this happened?

Native Backyard Habitat

Interesting? This 2008 backyard habitat brims with over 100 types of Texas native plants. My husband and I desperately wanted to get rid of the water-hogging grass replacing it with plants which require less water.

When the beds in this picture were first created, they looked more like graves than anything else. Creepy to say the least!

Landscaping with the slope of this yard tested one's nerves. Rocks were hauled in to help form the beds and line the meandering stream that winds it's way through and down towards the lower end of the yard.