Sunday, August 16, 2009

HOT Summer Blooming Native Plants

It's August and 100+ Degrees! Yes it's HOT and we don't get much rain in Austin, Texas. But in my front and backyard. . . I have a plethora of blooming plants of many colors regardless of the weather. Just to name a few: Passionflower, Flame Acanthus, Bluebells, Yellowbells, Turk's Cap, Blackfoot Daisy, Pink Skullcap, several sages, Ruellia, Coral Honeysuckle, Texas Lantana, Prairie Verbena, Senna, many types of Hibiscus, Tropical Milkweed, Bulbine, Calylophus (Squarebud Primrose), Fall Obedient Plant, Mistflowers, Mealyblue Sage, and my favorite bushes, Purple Cenizo Sage) bloom on and off with the change in humidity.

Wildlife love the plants. I do not know where they come from, but they are here. A Giant Swallowtail butterfly visits daily right after lunch. Many types of bees, hummingbirds, birds, beetles, and moths also fly in for a snack.