Friday, September 25, 2009

Garden Certifications

Get Certified!

We have the following certifications: Certified Wildlife Habitat by NWF, Monarch Waystation see, Texas Wildscapes by TPW, Backyard Wildlife Habitat, and Certified Butterfly Garden see We are currently working on obtaining the "Best of Texas" certification. There are some fees involved usually less than $50.00.

  • Backyard Wildlife Habitat - National Wildlife Federation (To get this you need to provide food, water, shelter for the wildlife in your area, place for the animals to raise their young, and reduce chemical use on the plants. ) Apply for certification today!
  • Monarch Waystation Program - Monarch Watch (You much have a garden no smaller than 15 square yards that gets at least six hours of sun a day, grow a variety of milkweed in low-clay soil that drains well. Nectar plants should be close by.) Milkweed Plants - Grow a number of milkweed species. Check the certification site to see the whys.
  • Texas Wildscapes - Texas Parks and Wildlife ( You need at least 50% native plants, provide food for the wildlife year round, shelter, and a reliable water source. Fee is $15.00)
  • Certified Butterfly Garden see

Best of Texas Backyard Habitats
National Wildlife Federation
Gulf States Natural Resource Center
44 East Avenue Suite 200
Austin, TX 78701