Saturday, January 30, 2010

Plants Coming Alive in January

January, it is freezing out there, yet. . . many of the plants in our Texas native backyard are beginning to get ready for spring. I thought everything would be dead / brown. . . but no. I believe I found Bluebonnets (Lupinus texensis), Wild Onion (Allium canadense), Bluebell Gentian (Eustona grandiflorum), Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana), Hill Country Penstemon (Penstemon triflorus), Gulf Coast Penstemon (Penstemon tenuis), Wine Cups (Callirhoe involucrate) and many more plants green and thriving. I think I even found Black - Eyed Susans coming up!

I was even able to divide the Hill Country Penstemon and the Obedient Plant easily. I like their root system. All I did was slice through the rootball and remove the section I had cut. Interesting . . . because up until this time all of the other native plants that I dug up all had exposed roots that I had to quickly get more soil around and water. That was not the case with these plants. My thought on the Obedient Plant was hmmm.... we don't have clay soil here. How come the root ball felt like a solid clay clod? A question for the experts. I even found babies growing outside of the desired area. I will have to transplant those this spring. I'm ready.