Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cyathus olla - Bird's - Nest Fungus Growing in Our Yard!

We just found this fungus growing in our yard today, October 4th, 2009. Look in the lower right-hand corner to see a miniature bird's nest with egg looking doodads in them. I found a link that supplies information about this unusual fungus. Check it out. As I understand it, it only lasts for a few days. . . maybe a week. It is so cool.

Native Plant Landscaping Front of Home

I love the look of the yard. It contains mostly Texas native plants: Blackfoot Daisy, Drummond's Skullcap, Penstemon spp., Mexican Feather Grass, Mealy Blue Sage, Square-bud Primrose, Devil's Shoestring ( not in photo), and some adaptive plants such as: Bulbine, Bi-color Iris, and Society Garlic. I am proud of this. Spring will bring out Bluebonnets, Rain Lillies, Silver Ponyfoot, Frogfruit and many more! Not much maintenance right now except a few weeds here and there.