Monday, July 20, 2009

Critters in Our Yard

Many animals came to our yard to relax. Some days there was so much traffic from critters zipping here and there that you almost didn't know where to look first. These pictures are of the White-lined Sphinx Moth on a Scarlet Penstemon (Penstemon triflorus) , the American Snout Butterfly on a Texas Lantana (Lantana urticoides), a Hermit Skipper on Prairie Verbena (Verbena bipinnatifida), and some kind of a lizard on a bench. Many other animals visited such as the Red Shouldered Hawk, a regular garden snake, tadpoles, toads, frogs (How did they get into our yard?), cats, Cardinals, Wrens, White - Winged Dove, Blue Jay, a plethora of other butterflies and a myriad of other beetles, bees, and flies.

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